
Comprehensive Plan

The 2024 update of the Town of Winthrop's Comprehensive Plan has been completed and the Town Council will hold a public hearing on June 17, 2024 at 6 pm in the All Purpose Room of the Winthrop Town Office to consider it's adoption. The public is welcome to attend the hearing and provide comments. The full copy of the proposed plan is posted in the green sidebar and is linked here. A printed copy is available for public inspection at the Town Clerk's Office.

Once it is approved by the Town Council and by the State of Maine, the plan will serve as a reference point when determining whether and how much progress is being made in it's realization.

The Comprehensive Plan, posted to the left, was adopted in 2010. Like that document, the 2024 update will serve as a roadmap of how citizens would like to see Winthrop develop in areas such as housing, economic development, future land use, preservation of natural resources, recreation, and transportation by providing recommendations on how to achieve goals in each of those areas. Goals will be accompanied by policies and strategies, and notations of the responsible parties for pursuing those recommendations. 

The process of updating the plan has been collaborative, with residents and community stakeholders providing input alongside Town leadership and staff to create a common vision for Winthrop that will drive the community forward. Winthrop is an increasingly desirable community in the central Maine area due to its accessible location and its unique blend of suburban life, recreation, and neighborhood quiet. The process of creating the plan involved a variety of interests and collaborative efforts to ensure it evolved into a plan that is championed by the community.

This effort was done in conjunction with the Kennebec Valley Council of Governments (KVCOG).