Birth & Death Records

Birth Records

To Request a Certified Copy of a Birth Certificate you will need to provide the following information:

  1. Full name of child, including first, middle and last name at time of birth.
  2. Date of birth. 
  3. The Mother's first, middle and maiden name 
  4. The Father's first, middle and last name.
  5. If this is a request by mail, we will need the mailing address where you would like the certificate(s) sent.
  6. Number of certified copies you are requesting.  
  7. Proof of identity must also be presented to the Municipal Clerk.  A brief application for securing a copy of the vital record must be filled out and presented, along with positive identification such as a driver's license, passport or other government issued picture identification that clearly shows that the person requesting the record is who they say they are.  Identification requirements apply whether the records are requested in person or by mail.

The fees are $15.00 for the first copy and $6.00 for each additional copy.

Please make check payable to the Town of Winthrop.

Death Records

To Request a Certified Copy of a Death Certificate you will need to provide the following information:

  1. Full name of the deceased, including first, middle and last name at time of death.
  2. Date of death.
  3. Your relationship to the deceased.
  4. If this is a request by mail, we will need the mailing address where you would like the certificate(s) sent.
  5. Number of certified copies you are requesting.
  6. Proof of identity must also be presented to the Municipal Clerk.  A brief application for securing a copy of the vital record must be filled out and presented, along with positive identification such as a driver's license, passport or other government issued picture identification that clearly shows that the person requesting the record is who they say they are.  Identification requirements apply whether the records are requested in person or by mail.

The fees are $15.00 for the first copy and $6.00 for each additional copy.

Please make check payable to the Town of Winthrop.

If you are looking for more information and need to contact the State of Maine, Department of Health and Human Services, please visit their website.